Well, after a long extracted period, I have decided to remain at my current firm for another year. Part of the reason was because I didn't get an offer at another firm I wanted to join, but another reason was because two years after college, I still have no idea what I want do with my life. So I figure rather than go someplace new and try to figure it out, why not stay put and figure it out and make some decent scratch in the process.
Anyway, to try to effect a personal development of some sort, I've come up with a list of things I want to accomplish in the next year. I've decided to start small for now.
1.) Get the crack in my windshield of my car fixed.
2.) Get the side mirror of my car fixed.
3.) Get the dent in my bumper fixed.
4.) Get my car inspections done (sticker expired in February)
5.) Figure out who would win in a fight: Darth Vader or Superman.
Question: If I think that dour pessimism makes one introspective and reflective, is that too optimistic a view to have?