Tuesday, April 26, 2005


Whose job is worse? A banker or that guy in the Borg suit?

You can't really see it here, but that card I'm holding offers 2 girls for $49! What a deal!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005


Common investment banking phrases and their translations:

Phrase: "There's a softness to the numbers."
Really Means: "Accounting trickery."

Phrase: "I'm just calling to touch base."
Really Means: "Please respond to my emails!"

Phrase: "Please feel free to reach out to me anytime."
Really Means: "Please don't call me again."

Phrase: "Let's circle back in a hour."
Really Means: "Let's have this exact same conversation in an hour."

Phrase: "On a high level, this model says..."
Really Means: "I have no clue how the model works."

Phrase: "I'm sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you repeat what you just said?"
Really Means: "I on mute and mocking you. Could you repeat what you just said?"

Phrase: "I'll be out of pocket Saturday night."
Really Means: "I'll be wasted Saturday night, so please don't call."

Phrase: "I'll call you next week to close the loop."
Really Means: "I'll call you in two weeks to tell you no fucking way."

Phrase: "I'll send you a draft of the presentation by the end of the day."
Really Means: "I'll send you a draft of the presentation by 11:59pm."

Phrase: "There are plenty of opportunities for synergies in this merger."
Really Means: "This deal is so fucking dilutive, it's not even funny."

Phrase: "The Company is investing heavily in R&D and is rapidly growing."
Really Means: "The Company is unprofitable."

Phrase: "The Company is carefully managing its bottomline and has achieved record profitability."
Really Means: "The Company is not growing."

Phrase: "We're maximizing shareholder value."
Really Means: "We're making the people who own our stock filthy rich."

Phrase: "If you could update the numbers, I'd really appreciate it."
Really Means: "Update the numbers, bitch."

Phrase: "Sure, no problem."
Really Means: "@#$@#%@#$@##$@$@#"

Any others?

Hours spent at work today: 11
When in NY... http://www.worldhotelinc.com/

Tuesday, April 05, 2005


About two weeks ago, I started developing this slight itch.
Last week, the itch grew incredibly strong and these red spots started developing all over my hands and legs. At first I thought I was bit by a whole bunch of mosquitoes, until I googled it and learned that I was actually breaking out in hives. Turns out I'm allergic to something, but I don't know what.

Possible causes:

I seem to coming down with a lot of random illnesses lately. Only bad things can come of this.

Hours spent at work this past weekend: 33
Prognosis: A lot of scratching.